MSS - UK Open Day a Huge Success!

28 Nov 2018

When our team announced our Open Day between 13th-15th Nov, nothing could have prepared us for the fantastic level of response received.


*Setup the evening before the MSS Showcase Open Days

The Open Day was a resounding success, with our team at MSS taking this opportunity to launch the new range of low-cost fibre laser cutting machines, as well as a new Nitrocube and deburring machine. Over 100 people visited MSS’s Rugby premises; with orders placed across the entire product range, with more to come in the following weeks.


*One to one machine demonstration

The lively and engaging atmosphere on the MSS showroom was fantastic across each of the open days, and we received a huge amount of positive feedback and comments both at and following the event.

Neil Jackson (Sales Director at MSS), who was instrumental in the planning, organisation and execution of the event, indicates that::

“Response from visitors was fantastic, with many commending the design and quality of the new fibre machines, all at an affordable price. The new Nitro Cube5 was sold to one of our existing nitrogen generation users, who after 10 years is upgrading to the latest high flow, high purity system. In fact, two other existing users from 2005 and 2010 respectively also placed orders for MSS’s new technology. We would like to thank everyone who made the three days such a success, and we hope to see you all at the next one!”

Receive News of Our Next Open Days

Due to the event’s success in attracting record numbers, MSS plan to hold a similar event in the first quarter of 2019, but over a longer period.

Please register below to receive news of upcoming open days and for further information.


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