JB Springs takes control with high pressure laser gas from MSS Nitrogen

9 May 2022

JB Springs in Skipton have recently added an MSS Nitrocube high pressure nitrogen generation system to their operation. Having used bundled gas cylinders to supply their fibre laser for several years JB Springs decided that on site generation would better suit their business.

Christian Driver, Production Director at JB Springs, comments ‘the MSS Nitrocube is more economical than gas cylinders and saves us a lot of valuable space on site. We now don’t have to worry about deliveries as we have our own supply which generates the right quality nitrogen only when we need it’

The new Nitrocube 2 system provides high pressure nitrogen at 20m3/hour flow and 99.9975% purity which is ideal for high quality laser cutting, especially for large volumes of stainless steel. The new system is very compact and features 288m3 of storage at 300 bar pressure. The latest generation Nitrocube is more efficient than ever using 25-40% less energy to generate higher purity nitrogen than achieved with older systems were capable of. The new system also features MSS’ unique touch screen control panel that allows remote system performance and status monitoring.

MSS Sales Director, Chris Smith commented ‘this was an interesting installation of a new system in a re-purposed storage area and I’m very pleased how well it went, we were able to provide JB Springs with a very cash friendly rental option that allowed them to move from bundled gas supply without significant capital outlay’.

Chris also comments ‘the latest generation MSS Nitrocube is the most compact and most flexible system available anywhere in the world, we have over 400 systems like this installed in the UK already and the popularity of this product is growing very quickly in a number of important overseas markets as well, this latest product incorporates all we have learnt from high pressure nitrogen systems for laser cutting applications over the past 20 years’.Laser cut part.jpg


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